Descriptions: Hal-hal apa yang menjadi ciri object tersebut sehingga berbeda dengan object yang lain. General identification: Object apa yang mau digambarakan, biasanya bersifat umum dan tidak sepsifik.Ģ. Dalam banyak pelajaran yang membahas genres teks bahasa Inggris, dinyatakan bahwa teks report itu disusun berdasarkan struktur sebagai berikut:ġ. Report text adalah teks yang mengambarkan benda atau barang secara apa adanya berdasarakan kajian ilmiah.īagaimana biasanya report text ini disusun atau ditulis? Tidak lain adalah dengan cara melihat generic structurenya. They have been also used $or coercial per$uery and coercial cut $lower crops.iolah dari http %Dreport)text) text report tentang binatang berikut diberikan untuk menambah pengetahuan kita tentang jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang bersifat ilmiah ini. (oses are best known as ornaental plants grown $or their $lowers in the garden and soeties :allicanae is a species o$ roses $ro western Asia and 6urope which is pink to Chinensis is a white, pink, yellow, red and ixed)color rose $roĬhina and 1ura.

Carolinae is known $ro North Aerica which has a Caninae is a species $ro Asia,Ħurope and North A$rica which is pink and white. The popular species o$ roses are 1anksianae, Caninae, Carolinae, Chinensis, :allicanae.ġanksianae is a rose $lower $ro China which is white and yellow. Iniature, to clibers which reach 3 eters in height. (ose plants can grow in di$$erent si-e $ro copact, 4ost species o$ rose are native to Asia,6urope, North Aerica, and northwest A$rica. #onto" Report Text Tentang Bunga Sa$ura (#"err% Blossom)Ĭherry 1losso Contoh Text (eport 1ahasa 2nggrisĢ$ you are in love, you ay reeber a rose. 1ecause it has strength, pandapotentially becoes a $right$ul anial. 2t was also $ound in part o$ 4yanar and 9ietna.Today, panda is seen a lot in $orest area in Sinchuan, :angsu, and Shaanxi o$ ChinaPanda looks cute however it is actually a wild anial. While the legs, ears, eyes, and also the u-le are covered withblack $ur.8orerly, panda lived in South and 6ast China. Pandas $ur isseen doinantly in white or snowy. 2t has two doinant colors, white and black. They $eed the babies on ilk.Panda is like bear. *ave you known panda+ *ow are pandas look like+ Well,pandas are aal. 6lephant can be trained to serve in various ways such as carryheavy loads, hunt $or tigers and even $ight. 2ts intelligence cobined with its great strength akes anelephant a very use$ul servant to an. An elephant looks very clusy and heavy and yet an elephant can ove very 5uickly.The elephant is very intelligent anial. 2n $act, the trunk serves the elephant as long ar andhand. The elephants trunkalso li$t leaves and put the into its outh. The elephant draws upwater by its trunk and can s5uirt the water all over its body like a shower bath. The trunk is the elephants peculiar $eature. An elephant is coonly seen in a -oo, it has hard $ound in it 2t is a strange looking anial which it has thicklegs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a sall tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all,Įlephant has a long nose, the trunk. 4any species o$ a $ew kinds o$ butter$lies are still beingĪn elephant is the largest and strongest o$ all anials. Species o$ butter$lies have been recorded. 2n the 'nited States and Canada, ore than 3"# They are eggs, caterpillars, chrysalises, and color$ul butter$liesġutter$lies and oths are $ound on all continents except Antarctica, and scientists estiate that thereĪre approxiately %&)%",# species o$ butter$lies.

$our separate stages, each o$ which looks copletely di$$erent and serves a di$$erent purpose in theli$e o$ the insect. Their beauty, seeingly iraculous etaorphosis, and apparentlyĬare$ree $light all spark our iaginations.Īs advanced insects, butter$lies and oths have a /coplete0 li$e cycle. *ave you ever wondered about butter$lies+ espite their sall si-e, butter$lies are soe o$ the Text Report Tentang Binatang Kupu-Kupu (Butterflies)

6 Contoh Text Report Tentang Binatang Beruang Kutub 'nited States, and (ussia say that no one can kill polar bears now. People like to kill the polar bears $or their beauti$ul white coats. They go into the sea when they are a$raid. They can swi % kiloeters out into the water. They can stand up on their back legsīecause they have very wide $eet. These bears are three eters long, and weigh !"# kilos. There are no polar bears at the South Pole. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the ArcticĬircle near the North Pole. Text Report Tentang Binatang Beruang Kutub (Polar Bear)